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Typical French Music

Typical French Music is sentimental and heavy on the lyrics. The typical French music is easily identified often by the extensive use of accordion, harp, flute and fiddle, but also by its intense mood which seem to project itself into the listener. ListWoo gives you the top ten best songs ever written in French music.

Top 10 Landmarks in the World

Landmarks brand a city and bring in the tourists, and naturally all cities compete to have the the most popular landmark. ListWoo has collected the top ten most popular landmarks in the world and challenges you to pick out the one you would not go a lifetime without laying your eyes on.

Top 10 Geek Movies

Geek Movies are a must for any geek, and to accomodate the geek tendency to seek order in any chaos, ListWoo offers the opportunity to rate the Top 10 Geek Movies and thereby once and for all award the champion title to the best geek movie ever produced.

Best Beer in the World

Beer, everyone has their own opinion of what is the best and what is not worth drinking. ListWoo offers you the opportunity to have an influence on what the world thinks is the Best Beer ever brewed.

Most Important Inventions Throughout History

Inventions have changed the world and the lives of people many times through history, but which inventions are most important? ListWoo gives you what the world thinks is the Top Ten most significant inventions of man.

Top Ten Ways to Keep the Pickpocket Away

Pickpockets are a very real and annoying risk for travelers all over the world, and everybody has his or her own way to avoid..